• 15 Awesome Breakfast for Dinner Ideas

    Mmm… Eggs, bacon and waffles. It’s one of the most classic, all-time best breakfast (or breakfast for dinner) options out there. Light and fluffy waffles, a little crispy around the edges, are the best for soaking in all the golden yellow yolk-y goodness of a perfectly cooked sunny-side-up fried egg,…

  • How to Cook a Great Steak

    Sometimes there’s nothing better than a juicy, slightly charred, well-seasoned steak. In our house, we might have steak once a month because it’s one of my husband’s favorites (a self-proclaimed “meat and potatoes” guy), and quickly becoming a fast favorite of my son. Besides tasting great, steak also happens to…

  • Edible Communities

    Funny things can happen when you talk about blogging with people. Often, you find out (after they’ve browsed your site) they share similar interests … interests that you may never have stumbled upon in conversation, otherwise. This happened to me a few years ago during a chat with a co-worker who…

  • It’s Just Hair

    It’s just hair: An evolution of cuts, color, and the art of not giving a crap. A lot of people believe that their hair — the same style they’ve been known to have for years and years — defines them. And, not just “defines” them, but protects them … like a security…

  • New Year’s Recipes and Foods That Bring Good Luck

    It’s no secret that there are many food-based traditions all over the world, including things like special birthday treats, Thanksgiving menus or New Year’s recipes. Food’s a universal need, and often at the center when family and friends gather together, whether it’s to celebrate a child’s marriage, enjoy a holiday…

  • How To Make Perfect Mashed Potatoes

    It’s hard to argue with science-based methods for how to make mashed potatoes perfect every time! A group of my friends and I were having a conversation recently about the best way to make perfect mashed potatoes. As boring as that may sound to some, for us it was grand…